Jong-Beom Jeong (정종범).
Combined Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Computer Science Education
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
(03063) 25-2, Sungkyunkwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
E-mail: uof4949 [at]
Central Library Bldg., Rm. 70526 (중앙학술정보관 5층 26호 | +82-10-9118-8371)
Jong-Beom Jeong is a combined Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Computer Science Education in Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seoul, Korea. His research interests are in the area of six degrees of freedom (6DoF) virtual reality (VR) immersive video compression standards that includes selective streaming. He received his B.S. in computer engineering (major) and business administration (minor) from Gachon University in 2018. He is a student member of the IEEE and the ACM.
Professional Experience:
2019.09 – current: Combined Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science Education, Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU), Seoul, Korea
Laboratory: Multimedia Computing Systems Lab (Adviser: Prof. Eun-Seok Ryu)
2021.08 – 2022.01: Visiting Student, Purdue University, IN, US
2020.01 – 2020.03: Visiting Student, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), CA, US
AlloShpere Lab
Teaching Experience:
College of Computing and Informatics, School of Convergence, Culture & Technology Convergence Major, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2023. 09 – 2023. 12: Lecturer, Immersive Media International Standard
College of Computing and Informatics, Department of Immersive Media Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2023. 03 – 2023. 06: Lecturer, Creating Virtual Worlds
College of Computing and Informatics, School of Convergence, Culture & Technology Convergence Major, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2022. 12 – 2022. 12: Lecturer, Data Structure / Algorithm Bootcamp Using C Language
Artificial Intelligence Convergence and Open Sharing System & Sungkyun EduTech Research Institute, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2022. 09 – 2022. 12: Lecturer, Creating Virtual Worlds
College of Computing and Informatics, School of Convergence, Culture & Technology Convergence Major, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2022. 03 – 2022. 06: Teaching Assistant (T.A.), Linux System
Multimedia Computing Systems Lab, Department of Computer Science Education, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2021. 03 – 2021. 06: Teaching Assistant (T.A.), Linux System
Multimedia Computing Systems Lab, Department of Computer Education, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2020. 09 – 2020. 12: Teaching Assistant (T.A.), VR and AR Processing
Multimedia Computing Systems Lab, Department of Computer Education, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2020. 03 – 2020. 06: Teaching Assistant (T.A.), Linux System
Multimedia Computing Systems Lab, Department of Computer Education, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2020. 03 – 2020. 06: Teaching Assistant (T.A.), Virtual Reality Processing Systems
Multimedia Computing Systems Lab, Department of Computer Education, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea
2018. 03 – 2018. 06: Teaching Assistant (T.A.), Image Processing
Multimedia Communications & Systems Lab, Department of Computer Engineering, Gachon University, Seongnam, Korea
2017. 03 – 2017. 06: Teaching Assistant (T.A.), Data Structure
Department of Computer Engineering, Gachon University, Seongnam, Korea
2016. 09 – 2018. 08: Lecturer, English
Samsung Dream Class, Pungsaeng Middle School, Seongnam, Korea
B.S., Computer Engineering (major) / Business Administration (minor), Aug 2018
– Multimedia Communications & Systems Lab (Advisor: Prof. Eun-Seok Ryu)
Boards and Committee:
– Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Graduate Student member (from 2020 – current)
– IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS)
– Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Student member (from 2020 – current)
– The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME), member (한국방송미디어공학회 회원, 2018-현재)
– Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), Member
International Journals
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “DATRA-MIV: Decoder-Adaptive Tiling and Rate Allocation for MPEG Immersive Video”, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 1-22, May. 2024. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Entropy-constrained Implicit Neural Representations for Deep Image Compression”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), Vol. 30, pp. 663-667, May. 2023. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Group-based Adaptive Rendering System for 6DoF Immersive Video Streaming”, IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 102691-102700, Sep. 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “VVC Subpicture-based Frame Packing for MPEG Immersive Video”, IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 103781-103792, Sep. 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Sub-bitstream Packing Based Lightweight Tiled Streaming for 6DoF Immersive Video”, IET Electronics Letters, Vol. 57, No. 25, pp. 973-976, Oct. 2021. [PDF]
- Tuan Thanh Le, Jong-Beom Jeong, SangSoon Lee, Jaehyoun Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “An Efficient Viewport-Dependent 360 VR System Based on Adaptive Tiled Streaming”, Computers Materials and Continua (CMC), Vol. 66, No. 3, pp. 2627-2643, Jan. 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Towards 3DoF+ 360 Video Streaming System for Immersive Media”, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, pp. 136399-136408, Sep. 2019. [PDF]
- Tuan Thanh Le, JongBeom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Efficient Transcoding and Encryption for Live 360 CCTV System“, MDPI, Applied Sciences, 9(4), 760., Feb. 2019. [PDF]
- JongBeom Jeong, Dongmin Jang, Jangwoo Son, Eun-Seok Ryu, “3DoF+ 360 Video Location based Asymmetric Down-sampling for View Synthesis to Immersive VR Video Streaming”, MDPI, Sensors, 18(9):3148, Sep. 2018. [PDF]
International Conferences
- Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Eun-Seok Ryu, “A Deep Learning-based 6DoF Video Synthesizing Method using Instant-NGPs“, IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2023 (VCIP2023), Dec. 4-7, 2023.(SCOPUS Indexed) [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Fine-grained Single-layer Tiling for Viewport-Adaptive 360-degree Video Streaming“, IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2023 (VCIP2023), Dec. 4-7, 2023.(SCOPUS Indexed) [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Partial Atlas Selector for Viewport-dependent MPEG Immersive Video Streaming“, ACM Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video 2023 (NOSSDAV2023), Jun. 10, 2023.(SCOPUS Indexed) [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Delta QP Allocation for MPEG Immersive Video”, International Conference on ICT Convergence 2022 (ICTC2022), Oct. 19-21, 2022.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- YiHyun Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Overview of the Video-based Dynamic Mesh Coding (V-DMC) Standard Work”, International Conference on ICT Convergence 2022 (ICTC2022), Oct. 19-21, 2022.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Overview of the Volumetric Video Capturing System for Immersive Media”, International Conference on ICT Convergence 2022 (ICTC2022), Oct. 19-21, 2022.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Atlas Level Rate Distortion Optimization for 6DoF Immersive Video Compression“, ACM Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video 2022 (NOSSDAV2022), Jun. 17, 2022.(SCOPUS Indexed) [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Efficient Group-Based Packing Strategy for 6DoF Immersive Video Streaming”“, International Conference on Information Networking 2022 (ICOIN2022), Jan. 12-15, 2022.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Rethinking Fatigue-Aware 6DoF Video Streaming: Focusing on MPEG Immersive Video“, International Conference on Information Networking 2022 (ICOIN2022), Jan. 12-15, 2022.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “DWS-BEAM: Decoder-Wise Subpicture Bitstream Extracting and Merging for MPEG Immersive Video“, IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2021 (VCIP2021), Dec. 5-8, 2021. (Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Viewport Tile Extractor for Viewport-Adaptive 360-Degree Video Tiled Streaming“, International Conference on Information Networking 2021 (ICOIN2021), Jan. 13-16, 2021.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Learned Image Compression with Frequency Domain Loss“, International Conference on Information Networking 2021 (ICOIN2021), Jan. 13-16, 2021.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, IIl-Woong Ryu, Tuan Thanh Le, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Towards Viewport-dependent 6DoF 360 Video Tiled Streaming for Virtual Reality Systems“, ACM Multimedia 2020 (ACM MM 2020), pp. 3687-3695, Oct. 12-16, 2020.(Scopus Indexed) [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, JongBeom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Motion-constrained Tile Set based 360-Degree Video Streaming Using Saliency Map Prediction“, ACM Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video 2019 (NOSSDAV2019), Jun. 21, 2019.(SCOPUS Indexed) [PDF]
- JongBeom Jeong, Seondae Kim, Eun-Soo Park, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Image-based Fire Detection System Using Deep Learning”, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2018 (IMETI2018), Nov. 2-6, 2018. [PDF]
- Eun-Soo Park, Seondae Kim, JongBeom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “The Power Line Deflection Detect System using panoramic video stitching Technology and Deep Learning”, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2018 (IMETI2018), Nov. 2-6, 2018. [PDF]
- JongBeom Jeong, Dongmin Jang, Jangwoo Son, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Bitrate Efficient 3DoF+ 360 Video View Synthesis for Immersive VR Video Streaming”, International Conference on ICT Convergence 2018 (ICTC2018), Oct. 17-19, 2018.(SCOPUS Indexed) [PDF]
Korean Domestic Journals
- Jaeyeol Choi, Yeong-Gyu Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, JunHyeong Park, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Compression of Dynamic 3D Gaussian Splatting for Efficient Storage and Transmission of Immersive Video”, Journal of Broadcasting Engineering (JBE), Vol. 29, No. 6, Nov. 2024. [Accepted]
- JunHyeong Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jaeyeol Choi, Yeong-Gyu Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Multi-View Depth Generation Method Using ViT-Based Depth Estimation and MVS-Based Depth Optimization”, Journal of Broadcasting Engineering (JBE), Vol. 29, No. 6, Nov. 2024. [Accepted]
- Isaac Yang, Yeongil Ryu, JunHeyong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jang Hyun Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Real-life Spatial Volumetric Video Acquisition and Encoding System“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE), Vol. 29, No. 4, Jul. 2024. [PDF]
- Yihyun Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Efficient Conversion Method of Dynamic Point Cloud for Generating Dynamic Mesh“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE), Vol. 28, No. 5, Sep. 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Jaeyeol Choi, Gwangsoon Lee, Sangwoon Kwak, Won-Sik Cheong, Bongho Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Towards Group-based Adaptive Streaming for MPEG Immersive Video“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE), Vol. 28, No. 2, Mar. 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Geometry Packing for MPEG Immersive Video“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE), Vol. 27, No. 6, Nov. 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Performance Analysis of 6DoF Video Streaming Based on MPEG Immersive Video“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE), Vol. 27, No. 5, Sep. 2022. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Group-based Adaptive Rendering for 6DoF Immersive Video Streaming“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE), Vol. 27, No. 2, Mar. 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Performance Analysis of Viewport-dependent Tiled Streaming on 16K Ultra High-quality 360-degree Video“, KSII Journal of Internet Computing and Service (JICS), Vol. 22, No. 3, Jun. 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, SeungHwan Kim, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Super Metric: Quality Assessment Methods for Immersive Video“, KSII Journal of Internet Computing and Service (JICS), Vol. 22, No. 2, Apr. 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Sangsoon Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing VVC Tile Extractor for 360-degree Video Streaming Using Motion-Constrained Tile Set“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE) Vol. 25, No. 7, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Inae Kim, Sangsoon Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Screen Content Coding Analysis to Improve Coding Efficiency for Immersive Video“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE), Vol. 25, No. 6, Nov. 2020. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Sungbin Kim, Sangsoon Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “A Study on 3DoF+ 360 Video Projection Conversion for Efficient 3DoF+ Video Streaming“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE) Vol. 24, No. 7, Dec. 2019. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Sangsoon Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Tile-Based 360 Degree Video Streaming System with User’s gaze Prediction“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE) Vol. 24, No. 6, Nov. 2019. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Sangsoon Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing 3DoF+ 360 Video Compression System for Immersive Media“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE) Vol. 24, No. 5, Sep. 2019. [PDF]
- Dongmin Jang, Jang-Woo Son, JongBeom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Renderer for Viewport Dependent 360 Video“, Journal of Broadcast Engineering (JBE) Vol. 23, No. 6, Nov. 2018. [PDF]
Korean Domestic Conferences
- Young-Gyu Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Performance Comparison of NeRF Combined with Video Codecs“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 27, 2024. [PDF]
- Min-Su Park, Young-Gyu Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, Yeongil Ryu, Isaac Yang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Performance Analysis of Point Cloud-Mesh Conversion Using Screened Poisson Reconstruction and Deep Learning-Based Point2Mesh Algorightms“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 27, 2024. [PDF]
- Jun-Hyeong Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jaeyeol Choi, Young-Gyu Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Depth Prediction Tranformer-Based Multi-View Video Depth Map Generation Technique for 6-DoF Immersive Video Synthesis“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 27, 2024. [PDF]
- Soo-Been Jo, Yeongil Ryu, Isaac Yang, Minsu Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Overview of Depth Estimation and Refinement for Immersive Video“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 27, 2024. [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Yeong-Gyu Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Compressing 4D Gaussians based on Quantization and Video Codec“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 27, 2024. [PDF]
- YiHyun Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Overview of Video-based Dynamic Mesh Coding Standardization“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 28-30, 2023. [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Junhyeong Park, Hong-Chang Shin, Jun-Young Jeong, Gwangsoon Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Analyzing the Effectiveness of Adapting Transfer Learning to Neural Radiance Fields for Video Representation“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 28-30, 2023. [PDF]
- Jun-Hyeong Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jae-Yeol Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Comparison of Neural Radiance Fields-based models for 3D Scene Reconstruction“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 28-30, 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Jaeyeol Choi, Gwangsoon Lee, Sangwoon Kwak, Won-Sik Cheong, Bongho Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Towards Group-based Adaptive Streaming for MPEG Immersive Video”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 18-19, 2022. [PDF]
- Mi Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Decoder-adaptive Single-layer Tile Binding for Viewport-dependent 360-degree Video Tiled Streaming”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 20-22, 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, YiHyun Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Geometry Packing in TMIV for Six Degrees of Freedom Immersive Video”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 20-22, 2022. [PDF]
- YiHyun Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Overview of MPEG Dynamic Mesh Coding (DMC) for Volumetric Video”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 20-22, 2022. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Efficient Pruning Cluster Graph Strategy for MPEG Immersive Video Compression”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 20-22, 2022. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implicit Neural Representations with Entropy Loss for Deep Image Compression”, Workshop on Image Processing and Image Understanding (IPIU), Feb. 9-11, 2022. [PDF]
- Chang-Hee Han, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Cluster-based MV-HEVC Coding Mode Decision for MPEG Immersive Video“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 26-27, 2021. [PDF]
- Jun-Ho Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Se-Hoon Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Decoder Adaptive Tile Clustering Algorithm for Viewport-Dependent Virtual Reality Video Decoding System“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 26-27, 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Fast Tile Merger for Viewport-dependent 360-degree Video Streaming“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Spring Conference, Apr. 23-24, 2021. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Group-based TMIV for Viewport-Adaptive Streaming“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Spring Conference, Apr. 23-24, 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Multiple-tile Extractor for Viewport-dependent 360 Video Streaming“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 27-28, 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Light Field Lenslet Video Compression using Screen Content Coding Tool“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 27-28, 2020. [PDF]
- Inae Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Yeongil Ryu, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Group-Based TMIV Encoding for Immersive Video using MV-HEVC“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Fall Conference, Oct. 30-31, 2020. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Yeongil Ryu, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Performance Analysis of Viewport-dependent Tiled Streaming on 16K Ultra High-quality 360-degree Video“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Fall Conference, Oct. 30-31, 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Performance Analysis of Asymmetric Quantization Parameter On Immersive Video“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Fall Conference, Oct. 30-31, 2020. [PDF]
- Sungbin Kim, Yeongil Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Inae Kim, Soonbin Lee, SeungHwan Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Objective Quality Metrics for Virtual Reality Services“, Summer Workshop on Computer Communications (SWCC), Aug. 27, 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Sungbin Kim, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Screen Content Coding Analysis to Improve Coding Efficiency for Light Field Lenslet Video“, Summer Workshop on Computer Communications (SWCC), Aug. 27, 2020. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Il-Woong Ryu, Sungbin Kim, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Motion-constrained Tile Set Based Tile Extractor on VVC“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jul. 13-15, 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Il-Woong Ryu, Sungbin Kim, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Intra Block Copy Analysis to Improve Coding Efficiency for Immersive Video“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jul. 13-15, 2020. [PDF]
- Il-Woong Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Sungbin Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Performance Analysis of Parameter Size of MinPatchSize, Erosion and Dilation in Test Model for Immersive Video“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Spring Conference, May. 22-23, 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “An Overview of Learned Image Compression“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Spring Conference, May. 22-23, 2020. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Il-Woong Ryu, Sungbin Kim, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “A Study of Video Quality Assessment Methods Performance Comparison for 3DoF+ Video“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Spring Conference, May. 22-23, 2020. [PDF]
- Sungbin Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, Dongmin Jang, Inae Kim, Soonbin Lee, Il-Woong Ryu, Eun-Seok Ryu, “An Overview of MV-HEVC based Light Field Image Processing“, Korean Society for Internet Information (KSII) Spring Conference, May. 22-23, 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Sungbin Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “HEVC Tile Grouping for Viewport-dependent 3DoF+ Streaming“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, pp.252-255, Nov. 29-30, 2019. [PDF]
- Tuan Thanh Le, Dongmin Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Il-Woong Ryu, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Real-Time Transcoding and Advanced Encryption for 360 CCTV Streaming”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.143-145, Jun. 19-21, 2019. [PDF]
- Dongmin Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Tuan Thanh Le, Il-Woong Ryu, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Tile Merging for Tile based 360 Video Streaming”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.165-167, Jun. 19-21, 2019. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Il-Woong Ryu, Tuan Thanh Le, Jaesung Ryu, Eun-Seok Ryu,”Implementing Multi-view 360 Video Compression System for Immersive Media“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.139-142, Jun. 19-21, 2019. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Il-Woong Ryu, Tuan Thanh Le, Eun-Seok Ryu,”A Study on Viewport Quality Assessment for Tile Based Mixed Quality 360 Video“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.168-171, Jun. 19-21, 2019. [PDF]
- JongBeom Jeong, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “3DoF+ 360 Video Projection Conversion for Saving Transmission“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 02-03, 2018.[PDF]
- Jangwoo Son, Dongmin Jang, JongBeom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Viewport-Based 360 Degree Video Streaming using Motion-Constrained Tile Set“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.092-095, Jun. 21-23, 2018.[PDF]
- Seondae Kim, Eun-Soo Park, Jaseong Koo, Jong Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Senior Life Logging and Analysis by Using Deep Learning and Captured Multimedia Data“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.244-247, Jun. 21-23, 2018.[PDF]
- Eun-Soo Park, Seondae Kim, Jong Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Overview of AI-based Fault Detection and Diagnostics“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.235-237, Jun. 21-23, 2018.[PDF]
- Dongmin Jang, Jang-Woo Son, JongBeom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Renderer for Viewport Dependent 360 Video“, The Korean Instit and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.011-014, Jun. 21-23, 2018.[PDF]
- JongBeom Jeong, Jang-Woo Son, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementation of SEI Parser and Decoder for Virtual Reality Video Projection Processing“, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, pp.001-004, Jun. 21-23, 2018.[PDF]
International Patents
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING A BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE VIDEO ENCODING METHOD”, Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University, No. US 18/786,195, Jul. 26, 2024[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MULTI VIEW VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE MULTI VIEW VIDEO ENCODING METHOD”, Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University, No. US 18/354,983, Jul. 19, 2023[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “NEURAL NETWORK-BASED IMAGE COMPRESSION METHOD”, Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University, No. US 18/338,613, Jun. 21, 2023[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING A BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING METHOD”, Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University, No. US 18/116,452, Mar. 02, 2023[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING A BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING METHOD”, Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University, No. US 18/115,248, Feb. 28, 2023[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR STREAMING MULTI-VIEW 360 DEGREE VIDEO”, Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University, No. US 11,575,871B2, Feb. 07, 2023. [PDF]
- Hyunmook Oh, Sejin Oh, Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Jong Beom Jeong, “360 video transmission method, 360 video reception method, 360 video transmission apparatus, and 360 video reception apparatus”, LG Electronics Inc., No. US 2022/0256131A1, Aug. 11, 2022. [PDF]
- Hyunmook Oh, Sejin Oh, Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Dongmin Jang, Soonbin Lee, “Method for transmitting 360 Video, Method for receiving 360 Video, 360 video transmitting device, and 360 video receiving device”, LG Electronics Inc., No. US 2022/0217314A1, Jul. 07, 2022. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING”, Research & Business Foundation Sungkyunkwan University, No. US 17/728,344, Apr. 25, 2022[Application]. [PDF]
Korean Domestic Patents
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, “다중 시점 비디오 데이터를 부호화/복호화하는 방법 및 다중 시점 비디오 데이터 부호화 방법에 의해 생성된 비트스트림을 전송하는 방법(METHOD FOR ENCODING/DECODING MULTI-VIEW VIDEO DATA AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING BITSTREAM GENERATED BY MULTI-VIEW VIDEO DATA ENCODING METHOD)”, 성균관대학교 산학협력단, No. 10-2024-0163976, Nov. 18, 2024. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Isaac Yang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Yeong-Gyu Kim, Minsu Park, “차원 공간 재구성을 위한 방법 및 이에 대한 장치(METHOD FOR RECONSTRUCTING THREE-DIMENSIONAL SPACE AND APPARATUS)”, 성균관대학교 산학협력단, No. 10-2024-0161828, Nov. 14, 2024. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “신경망 기반 이미지 압축 방법(NEURAL NETWORK-BASED IMAGE COMPRESSION METHOD)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2621827, Jan. 02, 2024. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, “영상 부호화/복호화 방법 및 장치와, 영상 부호화 방법에 의해 생성된 비트스트림을 전송하는 방법(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING A BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE VIDEO ENCODING METHOD)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2023-0142819, Oct. 24, 2023[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “다시점 영상 부호화/복호화 방법 및 장치와, 다시점 영상 부호화 방법에 의해 생성된 비트스트림을 전송하는 방법(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MULTI VIEW VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING A BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE MULTI VIEW VIDEO ENCODING METHOD)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2023-0077401, Jun. 16, 2023[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “다시점 영상 처리 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND DEVICE OF PROCESSING MULTIVIEW VIDEO)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2500199, Feb. 10, 2023. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “이머시브 영상 부호화/복호화 방법 및 장치와, 이머시브 영상 부호화 방법에 의해 생성된 비트스트림을 전송하는 방법(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING A BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING METHOD)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2023-0003994, Jan. 11, 2023[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “신경망 기반의 이미지 압축 방법 및 시스템(Image compression system and method based on Neural Network)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2484999, Jan. 02, 2023. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “움직임 제한 타일 집합 기반 360도 영상 스트리밍 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR STREAMING 360 DEGREE VIDEO BASED ON MOTION-CONSTRAINED TILE SETS)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2482702, Dec. 26, 2022. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “이머시브 영상 부호화/복호화 방법 및 장치와, 이머시브 영상 부호화 방법에 의해 생성된 비트스트림을 전송하는 방법(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING, AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING A BITSTREAM GENERATED BY THE IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING METHOD)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2022-0170721, Dec. 08, 2022 [Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “타일 기반 360도 영상 전송 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING 360 DEGREE VIDEO BASED ON TILE)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2412410, Jun. 20, 2022. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “이머시브 영상 부호화/복호화 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR IMMERSIVE VIDEO ENCODING AND DECODING)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2022-0014916, Feb. 04, 2022[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “다시점 360도 영상 스트리밍 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR STREAMING MULTI-VIEW 360DEGREE VIDEO)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2356037, Jan. 21, 2022. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “플렌옵틱 영상 처리 방법 및 장치(METHOD AND DEVICE OF PROCESSING PLENOPTIC IMAGE)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2021-0150076, Nov. 03, 2021[Application]. [PDF] [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Ghulam Mujtaba, “사용자 선호도 기반의 트레일러 영상 생성 방법 및 이를 위한 사용자 단말기(A Method For Generating a Trailer Video Based On User Preference and a User Terminal Using the same)”, 성균관대학교산학협력단, No. 10-2021-0084299, Jun. 28, 2021[Application]. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “다시점 360도 영상 처리 및 전송(MULTIVIEW 360 DEGREE VIDEO PROCESSING AND TRANSMISSION)”, 가천대학교 산학협력단, No. 10-2209192, Jan. 25, 2021. [PDF]
- Isaac Yang, Soo-Been Jo, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu (SKKU), Woo-Chool Park (KETI), SungHeun Oh (DigiCAP), “[MIV] V3C Bitstream-level DRM Encryption for Heterogeneous Volumetric Video Objects”, MPEG2024/m69555, 148th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Nov. 2024. [PDF]
- Jun Young Jeong, Gun Bang (ETRI), Adrian Dziembowski (PUT), Jong-Beom Jeong (SKKU), Yiyi Liao (Zhejiang Univ.), “[INVR][EE3] Summary of MIV-DSDE anchor generation for 3D-INVR EEs“, MPEG2024/m69531, 148th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Nov. 2024. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Yeong-Gyu Kim, Reagan Koo, Do-Hun Kim, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[INVR][EE3] Report on EE3: MIV DSDE Anchor Generation on VRroom1D“, MPEG2024/m69525, 148th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Nov. 2024. [PDF]
- Jun Young Jeong, Gun Bang (ETRI), Adrian Dziembowski (PUT), Jong-Beom Jeong (SKKU), Yiyi Liao (Zhejiang Univ.), “Summary of MIV-DSDE anchor generation for 3D-INVR EEs“, MPEG2024/m68710, 147th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, July. 2024. [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Yeong Gyu Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[INVR]EE2.2: Compression of 4D Gaussian Splatting based on Video Codec and Gaussian Pruning“, MPEG2024/m68229, 147th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, July. 2024. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Yeong Gyu Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Report on EE3: Thoughts on MIV DSDE Anchor Generation“, MPEG2024/m68240, 147th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, July. 2024. [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[INVR]EE2.1-Related: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Visual Representation“, document MPEG2024/m66420, 144th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Jan. 2024. [PDF]
- Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jinho Lee, Gun Bang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[INVR] Guideline of ReRF Extended Implementation“, document MPEG2024/m66419, 144th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Jan. 2024. [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Yeongil Ryu, Issac Yang, Jinho Lee, Gun Bang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[INVR] Color Corrected SKKU_VRroom1D“, document MPEG2024/m66418, 144th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Jan. 2024. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “Syntax and Semantics of Metadata for Delta Bitrate Allocation for Immersive Video Atlas (몰입형 영상의 아틀라스 비트율 차등 할당을 위한 부가 정보 구성 요소와 형식)“, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Standard, No. TTAK.KO-10.1485, Dec. 2023. [PDF]
- Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[INVR] Report on EE2.1: Inter Mode Dynamic NeRF Investigation”, document MPEG2023/m64722, 144th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Yeongil Ryu, Yihyun Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Issac Yang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “ [INVR]EE2.1-Related: Report with New Natural INVR Video Contents: SKKU_VRroom”, document MPEG2023/m64721, 144th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] Crosscheck of m64807”, document MPEG2023/m65632, 144th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Oct. 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, JunHyeong Park, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] Crosscheck of m62701“, document MPEG2023/m63396, 142th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Apr. 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Jaeyeol Choi, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] Crosscheck of m61631“, document MPEG2023/m61809, 141th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Jan. 2023. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, “Syntax and Semantics of Scalable Coding Metadata for Adaptive Transmission of Immersive Video (적응적 몰입형 비디오 전송을 위한확장 부호화 부가정보 구성 요소 및 형식)“, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Standard, No. TTAK.KO-10.1392, Dec. 2022. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “Syntax and Semantics of Metadata for Tile Merging of Virtual Reality Video (사용자 시점 기반 가상현실 영상 타일 병합을 위한 부가정보 구성 요소 및 형식)“, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Standard, No. TTAK.KO-10.1393, Dec. 2022. [PDF]
- YiHyun Choi, Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Overview of Video-based Dynamic Mesh Coding Standard“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-22-0086-01-0001), Sokcho Meeting, Oct. 27, 2022.
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Group Partitioning Method for Viewport-dependent MPEG Immersive Video Streaming“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-22-0085-01-0001), Sokcho Meeting, Oct. 27, 2022.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] On Delta QP for Additional View Atlases“, document MPEG2022/m60377, 139th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Jul. 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] Geometry Packing Implementation in TMIV for Frame Packed Video“, document MPEG2022/m59442, 138th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Apr. 2022. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] Joint bit allocation for MIV with rate-distortion optimization“, document MPEG2021/m58150, 136th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Oct. 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Changhee Han, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Junho Park, Eun-Seok Ryu, “On Inter-view Redundancy-aware Cluster Based Coding Structure Decision on MV-HEVC for MPEG Immersive Video“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-21-0085-00-0001), Seoul Meeting, Oct. 07, 2021.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “On OpenGL-based View Synthesizer Optimization for Real-time 6DoF Immersive Video Streaming“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-21-0057-00-0001), Gyeongju Meeting, Jul. 21, 2021.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “MPEG-Immersive 6DoF Standard Work: Related to MPEG Immersive Video“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-21-0056-00-0001), Gyeongju Meeting, Jul. 21, 2021.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “On MCTS Tile Merger for CDN-based Viewport-dependent 360 Video Tiled Streaming“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-21-0055-00-0001), Gyeongju Meeting, Jul. 21, 2021.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] Extraction and Merging on Frame Packed Video“, document m56591, 3rd meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Apr. 2021. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MIV] Basic View Packing with Screen Content Coding (SCC)“, document MPEG2021/m55966, 133th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Jan. 2021. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MPEG-I VIsual] EE Results on Dense Light Field Video Compression using VVC”, document MPEG2021/m55965, 133th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Jan. 2021. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “Syntax and Semantics of Metadata for Extracting Multiple Tiles of Virtual Reality Video (가상현실 영상 다중 타일 추출을 위한 부가 정보 구성 요소와 형식 )“, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Standard, No. TTAK.KO-10.1258, Dec. 2020.
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “Measurement of the Latency for Tiled Virtual Reality Video Streaming (타일 기반 가상현실 영상 전송을 위한 지연 시간 측정 )“, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Standard, No. TTAK.KO-10.1257, Dec. 2020.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Tile Extractor Optimization for Low-latency Viewport-dependent 360 Video Tiled Streaming“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-20-0057-02-0001), Online Meeting, Oct. 18, 2020.
- SeungHwan Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Sungbin Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Super Metric for Immersive Video“, IEEE P3079.1 Contribution (DCN: 3079-20-0056-01-0001), Online Meeting, Oct. 18, 2020.
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MPEG-I Visual] Report on Asymmetric Quantization on MIV“, document MPEG2020/m55014, 132th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Oct. 2020. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “[MPEG-I Visual] Report on Dense Light Field Compression in VVC“, document MPEG2020/m55013, 132th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG4, Oct. 2020. [PDF]
- Tuan Thanh Le, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Il-Woong Ryu, Sungbin Kim, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Latency for Viewport-adaptive 360-Degree Video Streaming Toward Immersive Experience“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-20-0029-02-0003), Online Meeting, Jul. 09, 2020.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Il-Woong Ryu, Sungbin Kim, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Viewport-adaptive 6DoF 360-degree Video Tiled Streaming for Immersive Media“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-20-0028-02-0002), Online Meeting, Jul. 09, 2020.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Il-Woong Ryu, Sungbin Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Video Quality Assessment Methods Performance Comparison for 3DoF+“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-20-0027-02-0002), Online Meeting, Jul. 09, 2020.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “On MCTS based tile extractor implementation“, document MPEG2020/m53911, 130th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Apr. 2020. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Sungbin Kim, Il-Woong Ryu, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Viewport Tile Selection Experiment: Using Test Model for Immersive Video (TMIV)“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-20-0008-00-0000), Yeosu Meeting, Feb. 03, 2020.
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Group Tiling in TMIV“, document MPEG2019/m51639, 129th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Jan. 2020. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “CE1-related: On Viewport Tile Selector Implementation in TMIV for Viewport-dependent Rendering“, document MPEG2019/m51638, 129th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Jan. 2020. [PDF]
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, “Syntax and Semantics of Supplemental Information for 3DoF+ Video Processing and Transmission (3DoF+ 영상 처리 및 전송을 위한 부가정보 구성 요소 및 형식)“, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Standard, No. TTAK.KO-10.1198, Dec. 2019.
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Dongmin Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “Syntax and Semantics of Divided Region for Merging 360 Video Tiles (360도 영상 타일 병합을 위한 분할 영역 부가정보 구성 요소 및 형식)“, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) Standard, No. TTAK.KO-10.1199, Dec. 2019.
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “CE3: Viewport-dependent Patch Grouping Using HEVC Tiles“, document MPEG2019/m50818, 128th MPEG meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, Oct. 2019. [PDF]
- Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “SHVC(Scalable HEVC) Experiment: 360 VR Video Service with 16K Resolution Based on Tiled Adaptive Streaming“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-19-0037-00-0002), Vietnam Meeting, Oct. 09, 2019.
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Il-Woong Ryu, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Status of the Immersive Media Standard: Related to Test Model for Immersive Video (TMIV) for 3DoF+“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-19-0036-00-0002), Vietnam Meeting, Oct. 09, 2019.
- Peter Jeong, Dillon Seo, Eun-Seok Ryu, Dongmin Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Il-Woong Ryu, “Application Level Bandwidth Requirements for 3DoF+/6DoF Virtual Reality Services (Simply HEVC-encoded Bitrates)“, IEEE 802.21 Media Independent Services (DCN: 21-18-0078-00-0000), Apr. 18, 2019.
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Dongmin Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, “Viewport-based 360 Video Streaming: Motion-Constrained Tile and Viewport Extraction“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-18-0045-00-0003), Singapore Metting, Oct. 08, 2018.
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Jong-Beom Jeong, Dongmin Jang, Ju Hyeong Kim, SoonBin Lee, “MPEG-Immersive 3DoF+ Standard Work: Related to 3DoF+ Call for Proposal“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-18-0046-00-0002), Singapore Metting, October. 08, 2018.
- Eun-Seok Ryu, Ju Hyeong Kim, Jong-Beom Jeong, Dongmin Jang, SoonBin Lee, “Terms for MPEG-Immersive 3DoF+ Standard Work“, IEEE P3079 Contribution (DCN: 3079-18-0051-00-0003), Singapore Metting, Oct. 08, 2018.
Software Copyright
- Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “신경망 기반 다시점 비디오 처리기”, Nov. 22, 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jaeyeol Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “360도 영상 사용자 시점 다중 타일 검출기”, Nov. 22, 2023. [PDF]
- Jaeyeol Choi, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Immersive Graphic Primitives (이머시브 그래픽 프리미티브)”, Nov. 22, 2023. [PDF]
- Yihyun Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Isaac Yang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “동적 포인트 클라우드 메쉬 변환기”, Nov. 21, 2023. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Jaeyeol Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “TMIV Geometry Packer (티미브 지오메트리 패커)”, Oct. 13, 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “VVC Subpicture Merger (브이브이씨 서브픽쳐 병합기)”, Oct. 13, 2022. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “MCTS Based HEVC Tile Merger(움직임 제한 타일 셋 기반 고효율 비디오 코딩 타일 병합기)”, Jul. 27, 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “HEVC Slice Segment Address Based Fast Tile Extractor (고효율 비디오 코딩 슬라이스 세그먼트 주소 기반 고속 타일 추출기)”, Jul. 27, 2021. [PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “6DoF 360 video viewport tile selector (6 자유도 360도 영상 사용자 시점 타일 선택기)”, Nov. 25, 2020.[PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “MCTS Based Multiple-Tile Extractor on HEVC (움직임 제한 타일 셋 기반 고효율 비디오 코딩 다중 타일 추출기)”, Nov. 25, 2020.[PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “MCTS Based Tile Extractor on VVC (움직임 제한 타일 셋 기반 다용도 비디오 코딩 타일 추출기)”, Nov. 25, 2020.[PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “View location based 3DoF+ 360 video pruning module(위치 기반 3DoF+ 360 비디오 중복성 제거 모듈)”, Oct. 23, 2019.[PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Region growing based 3DoF+ 360 video packing module(영역 확장 기반 3DoF+ 360 비디오 패킹 모듈)”, Oct. 23, 2019.[PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Region growing based 3DoF+ 360 video unpacking module(영역 확장 기반 3DoF+ 360 비디오 언패킹 모듈)”, Oct. 23, 2019.[PDF]
- Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, “View location based 3DoF+ 360 video reconstruction module(위치 기반 3DoF+ 360 비디오 중복성 복원 모듈)”, Oct. 23, 2019.[PDF]
- Certificate, Jong-Beom Jeong, Sungkyunkwan University Student Success Center, Jun. 18, 2024. [PDF]
- Best Paper Award, Jun-Hyeong Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Jaeyeol Choi, Yeong Gyu Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Depth Prediction Transformer-Based Multi-View Video Depth Map Generation Technique for 6-DoF Immersive Video Synthesis”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 28, 2024.[JPG]
- Encouragement Paper Award, Jaeyeol Choi, Jong-Beom Jeong, Junhyeong Park, Hong-Chang Shin, Jun-Young Jeong, Gwangsoon Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Analyzing the Effectiveness of Adapting Transfer Learning to Neural Radiance Fields for Video Representation”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIMBE) Summer Conference, Jun. 30, 2023. [PDF]
- Grand Paper Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Jaeyeol Choi, Gwangsoon Lee, Sangwoon Kwak, Won-Sik Cheong, Bongho Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Towards Group-based Adaptive Streaming for MPEG Immersive Video”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Dec. 7, 2022. [PDF]
- Grand Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, “MPEG Immersive Video: Towards High-Quality Metaverse Video Streaming Technology”, SKKU Research Matters, Nov. 7, 2022. [PDF]
- Grand Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, “Decoder-Adaptive Tiling and Rate Allocation for MPEG Immersive Video”, SKKU Graduate Student Research Paper Awards, Sep. 30, 2022. [PDF]
- Excellence Paper Award, Mi Jang, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Decoder-adaptive Single-layer Tile Binding for Viewport-dependent 360-degree Video Tiled Streaming”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 22, 2022. [PDF]
- Excellence Paper Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, YiHyun Choi, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Implementing Geometry Packing in TMIV for Six Degrees of Freedom Immersive Video”, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Jun. 22, 2022. [JPG]
- Sungkyunkwan University President’s List, Jong-Beom Jeong, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Dec 22. 2021. [JPG]
- Bronze Paper Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Subpicture-based Rate Control and Frame Packing for 6DoF Immersive Video Streaming”, IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest 2021, Dec. 11, 2021. [PNG]
- Bronze Paper Award, Soonbin Lee, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Joint Bit Allocation between Texture and Geometry for Immersive Video Coding”, IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest 2021, Dec. 11, 2021. [PNG]
- Encouragement Award, Jun-Ho Park, Jong-Beom Jeong, Se-Hoon Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 27, 2021. [PDF]
- Excellence Paper Award, Chang-Hee Han, Jong-Beom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Fall Conference, Nov. 27, 2021. [JPG]
- Bronze Paper Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu, “Viewport-dependent Two-layer 6DoF 360-degree Video Tiled Streaming for Immersive Media”, IEEE Seoul Section Student Paper Contest 2020, Dec. 12, 2020. [PDF]
- Excellence Paper Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Yeongil Ryu, Eun-Seok Ryu, The Korean Society For Internet Information (KSII) Fall Conference, Oct 30. 2020. [PNG]
- Excellence Paper Award, Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee, Inae Kim, Il-Woong Ryu, Sungbin Kim, Dongmin Jang, Eun-Seok Ryu, The Korean Society For Internet Information (KSII) Spring Conference, May 22. 2020. [PNG]
- Student Paper Award, Dongmin Jang, Jang-Woo Son, JongBeom Jeong, Eun-Seok Ryu, The Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) Summer Conference, Dec. 3, 2018. [JPG]
- Excellence Award, JongBeom Jeong, “Service of Minimizing length of traveling business areas using TSP algorithm”, K-Global Starthon, Aug. 27, 2017. [JPG]